Parsing Inbound Cisco Spark Webhook Bot Mentions using Node-Flint

A while back I wrote a post on parsing inbound Cisco Spark webhook data using the hears method with the node-flint framework by Nick Marus. After much thought and general improvement in skill as a developer I have created a much simpler way that could be potentially used with other frameworks. This allows the parsing of slash commands and fallback to a NLP processing service.

Below is a conversations module that can be used with flint. Rather than have multiple flint.hears methods for the event I now have just one using the switch method. Switch allows me to test the contents of my request string variable using regex. A much better solution than multiple flint.hears methods that has limited control over when to stop processing. Once you hit a match using switch it stops processing and performs the function in the return statement.
Module parses all incoming requests from Spark webhooks and provides the responses for the bot from the node-flint framework.
var _ = require('lodash');
var botString = "YourBotName ";
module.exports = function(flint){
flint.hears(/(^| ).*( |.|$)/i, function(bot, trigger) {
var text = trigger.text;
var spaceId = trigger.roomId;
var request = text.replace(botString,'');
//lookup stored Spark space information using a find function
var spData; //stored space object includes space ID and any other details.
case (/(^| )\/hello( |.|$)/).test(request):
return hello(request, bot, trigger,spData);
case (/(^| )\/help( |.|$)/).test(request):
return help(request, bot, trigger,spData);
case (/(^| )\/release( |.|$)/).test(request):
return release(request, bot, trigger,spData);
case (/(^| )\/who( |.|$)/).test(request):
return who(request, bot, trigger,spData);
case (/(^| )\/settings( |.|$)/).test(request):
return settings(request, bot, trigger,spData);
case (/(^| )\/feedback( |.|$)/).test(request):
return feedback(request, bot, trigger,spData);
return nlp(request, bot, trigger,spData);
function hello(request, bot, trigger,spData){
flint.debug("New group hello message sent using");
bot.say('Hello %s! To get started just type @ help', trigger.personDisplayName);
bot.say('Hello %s! To get started just type help', trigger.personDisplayName);
flint.debug("1:1 hello welcome sent");
//Prints out help array
function help(request, bot, trigger,spData){
return bot.say({markdown:"stuff"});
//prints out space settings to user
function settings(request, bot, trigger, spData){
return bot.say({markdown:'stuff'});
//internal feedback command for simple request to developers from users
function feedback(request, bot, trigger,spData){
request = request + " Username: "+trigger.personEmail;
var email = 'Your email';,request);
bot.say("Thank you for your feedback. For technical issues I will get to them as soon as possible");
//allows broadcast to all Spaces.
function broadcast(request, bot, trigger,spData){
request = request.replace("/broadcast ",'');
_.forEach(flint.bots, function(bot) { bot.say({markdown:request}); });
bot.say("Sorry but your are not authorised for this command. The authoritities have been notified.");'<Your email>','Unauthorised attempt by this person: '+trigger.personEmail);
//print out release infomation
function release(request, bot, trigger,spData){
//post the email address of everyone in the room.
function who(request, bot, trigger,spData){
console.log("who triggered");
//pass data to nlp engine
function nlp(request, bot, trigger, spData){
bot.say({markdown: data});
return flint
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