NetTools Cisco Spark Bot now on Github

If you would like to run your own version of netTools bot for Cisco Spark please check out this Github repo.

A couple of points.
  • This bot uses a websocket library and websockets for bots is not supported by Cisco but it does work well. If you prefer webhooks just remove the websocket configuration and library.
  • Flint-node configuration and conversation files broken into their own files and imported into other files that need them.
  • Switch statement used to sort conversations which is different than the Flint-node examples.
  • Watson used for logging throughout. Use .env file to up date to production to turn all logging off.
  • .env file required for all Spark token settings unless you care to change of course!


Introducing Cisco Spark Nettools Bot

This is a new Cisco Spark bot I created to help with troubleshooting DNS and Cisco Expressway issues. Let me know what you think.

Thanks to John Howell who created this great video to help promote the bot.


Cisco Spark Node-Flint Support Space

Nick Marus and I have opened a Cisco Spark Space if you require support, share code or find issues for the Node-Flint Bot Framework for developing Cisco Spark Bots and Integrations developed by Nick. Please feel free to follow this link and join the Cisco Spark Space by entering your email on the page. I have also added the link in my gadgets space so if you need it at a later date its available.


Cisco Telepresence CapsetFilter Setting - Disabling H.239/BFCP

This is a not very well known setting going by how long it took me to find. The CapsetFilter setting available in TE and CE firmware on Cisco Telepresence endpoints can be used to change the layout of streamed content and video channels. Most modern video experiences call for separate video and content channels to allow local video layout customization and better content resolution. But what if you want content and video in the main video stream. This is negotiated usually but if you need to force this behavior CapsetFilter setting is how you do it. Disabling H.239/BFCP will force content and video into the main video stream.

Either SSH or using the web interface into the codec:

Disable H.239/BFCP using xCommand:
xConfiguration Experimental CapsetFilter: "H.239Ctrl"

Admin interface:


Parsing Inbound Cisco Spark Webhook Bot Mentions using Node-Flint

A while back I wrote a post on parsing inbound Cisco Spark webhook data using the hears method with the node-flint framework by Nick Marus. After much thought and general improvement in skill as a developer I have created a much simpler way that could be potentially used with other frameworks. This allows the parsing of slash commands and fallback to a NLP processing service.

Below is a conversations module that can be used with flint. Rather than have multiple flint.hears methods for the event I now have just one using the switch method. Switch allows me to test the contents of my request string variable using regex. A much better solution than multiple flint.hears methods that has limited control over when to stop processing. Once you hit a match using switch it stops processing and performs the function in the return statement.
Module parses all incoming requests from Spark webhooks and provides the responses for the bot from the node-flint framework.
var _ = require('lodash');
var botString = "YourBotName ";
module.exports = function(flint){
flint.hears(/(^| ).*( |.|$)/i, function(bot, trigger) {
var text = trigger.text;
var spaceId = trigger.roomId;
var request = text.replace(botString,'');
//lookup stored Spark space information using a find function
var spData; //stored space object includes space ID and any other details.
case (/(^| )\/hello( |.|$)/).test(request):
return hello(request, bot, trigger,spData);
case (/(^| )\/help( |.|$)/).test(request):
return help(request, bot, trigger,spData);
case (/(^| )\/release( |.|$)/).test(request):
return release(request, bot, trigger,spData);
case (/(^| )\/who( |.|$)/).test(request):
return who(request, bot, trigger,spData);
case (/(^| )\/settings( |.|$)/).test(request):
return settings(request, bot, trigger,spData);
case (/(^| )\/feedback( |.|$)/).test(request):
return feedback(request, bot, trigger,spData);
return nlp(request, bot, trigger,spData);
function hello(request, bot, trigger,spData){
flint.debug("New group hello message sent using");
bot.say('Hello %s! To get started just type @ help', trigger.personDisplayName);
bot.say('Hello %s! To get started just type help', trigger.personDisplayName);
flint.debug("1:1 hello welcome sent");
//Prints out help array
function help(request, bot, trigger,spData){
return bot.say({markdown:"stuff"});
//prints out space settings to user
function settings(request, bot, trigger, spData){
return bot.say({markdown:'stuff'});
//internal feedback command for simple request to developers from users
function feedback(request, bot, trigger,spData){
request = request + " Username: "+trigger.personEmail;
var email = 'Your email';,request);
bot.say("Thank you for your feedback. For technical issues I will get to them as soon as possible");
//allows broadcast to all Spaces.
function broadcast(request, bot, trigger,spData){
request = request.replace("/broadcast ",'');
_.forEach(flint.bots, function(bot) { bot.say({markdown:request}); });
bot.say("Sorry but your are not authorised for this command. The authoritities have been notified.");'<Your email>','Unauthorised attempt by this person: '+trigger.personEmail);
//print out release infomation
function release(request, bot, trigger,spData){
//post the email address of everyone in the room.
function who(request, bot, trigger,spData){
console.log("who triggered");
//pass data to nlp engine
function nlp(request, bot, trigger, spData){
bot.say({markdown: data});
return flint
view raw conversation.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub


More on Troubleshooting Intelligent Proximity

Some time ago I wrote a post on this subject which BTW still applies today. Especially the use of the SpectrumView app on iOS. This is the most useful tools to troubleshoot Proximity issues as it give a clear indication of signal strength along with any interference that is in your environment.

Recently I was involved in some troubleshooting that on the surface seemed pretty straight forward but after some time looking a little deeper showed a reoccurring issue that went beyond the initial scope. While I am not going to go to far into the details there are some important things I learned around both how Proximity works but also interacts with other devices using Windows 10.

Turning Proximity Off:

The Proximity soft switch on the touch 10 does not disable the Proximity signal it only prevents clients connecting, see screenshot below of the Touch 10 interface switch. This is especially important if you end up with two Proximity capable devices in the same room. You will need to either turn Proximity off inside web interface or via SSH to stop the signal.

The easiest way is using the web interface to turn off the Proximity Signal. Go to Setup>Proximity and select the mode drop down and select Off and save. See below. Signal is now off.

 User Reported Issues:

Don't assume only one user is having the issue because no one else has said anything. Most of the time users will just grab the HDMI cable and get what they need done and move on. Users will mention it more to each other than you and some issues are harder than others to discover and seem limited but are much more far reaching. The only way to work this is out is test in multiple rooms with the same PC/MAC device experiencing issues. Do not immediately jump to it "must be a codec issue".

Windows 10 Audio Driver Issues:

This is pretty tricky to diagnose. The symptoms can vary quite a bit from dropping a Proximity session midway to not connecting to a codec via Proximity after coming out of hibernation. This is due to the way that Windows 10 shares access to Audio drivers and devices. Although I saw this predominately on Surface Pro and Surface Book devices other Windows 10 devices had some of the same issues. This means that it is more than likely a Windows 10 issue regardless of the hardware.

To change the exclusive-mode settings of a playback or recording device:
  • Right-click the speaker icon in the notification area, which is located on the right side of the taskbar, and select Playback Devices or Recording Devices. (As an alternative, run the Windows multimedia control panel, Mmsys.cpl, from a Command Prompt window. For more information, see Remarks in DEVICE_STATE_XXX Constants.)
  • After the Sound window appears, select Playback or Recording. Next, select an entry in the list of device names, and click Properties.
  • After the Properties window appears, click Advanced.
  • To enable applications to use the device in exclusive mode, check the box labeled Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device. To disable exclusive-mode use of the device, clear the check box. In our case we want to disable exclusive mode.
  • If exclusive-mode use of the device is enabled, you can specify whether a request for exclusive control of the device will succeed if the device is currently playing or recording shared-mode streams. To give exclusive-mode applications priority over shared-mode applications, check the box labeled Give exclusive mode applications priority. To deny exclusive-mode applications priority over shared-mode applications, clear the check box. In our case we want to deny exclusive mode applications.

Introducing Stormy the Cisco Spark Weather Bot!

If you want your daily forecast delivered to your Cisco Spark Space this might be the bot your looking for.

I have been working on Stormy for the last month and its been a fun little project but I now believe its time to release Stormy into the wild. While Stormy is not terribly sophisticated he does deliver the weather daily with access to over 200,000 cities world wide. Thanks to Stormy has access to your favorite cites.
Now, I don't believe for a second Stormy is about to change the world but its one of those handy bots that you can use to get your daily forecast delivered or as the example above shows simply ask a quick weather question. He knows no math, nor can he create a meme but he knows weather!
I am currently in the final testing stages for Stormy if you would like to try it out before it goes into the depot. Just search for Stormy inside of Spark and add it to a Spark Space or add to a conversation. He is simple to setup and just requires you to provide a city using the /city command. If you are in a Space versus a 1:1 make sure to @ mention Stormy to set your city or chat with him. See below for setting the city in a Spark Space:
If you would prefer to see temperatures in Celsius use the /unit command to update your room settings to metric. To change it back to fahrenheit use the same command with the imperial key word. The city and unit settings are on a per Space basis so if you want daily forecasts for multiple cities you can create a team and add Stormy to rooms for each city you want to see a forecast for.

This is version 1.0 of Stormy so please feel free to request features or make comments here on the blog or use the /feedback command in a room with Stormy to provide feedback. He will from time to time be unavailable for questions as I work out the final kinks (nice way to say bugs) but that should be limited.

 In future blogs I will talk more about what makes Stormy tick.


Cisco Spark bot for monitoring Spark bots. Say whaaat!

The last few weeks I have been working on and testing a new Cisco Spark bot that monitors all my other bots using a RESTful API. Its a relatively simple bot and thanks to an existing Nodejs project from Qawelesizwe Mlilo that was built  to monitor websites I was able to make a few simple changes so it is now a Spark bot that monitors other bots using a RESTful API. Qawelesizwe original project is called node-ping and is posted on GitHub. It has a number of files but the main module is node-monitor which is its own node module available on NPM. I made changes to a couple of the files on the original project with the largest change being removal of the email module to replace with my own Spark message module.

How it Works
This bot works by monitoring a website through the HTML status codes which it pings using a time interval(this is set in the websites.json file). This is very handy because if you are using Express with Nodejs all the status codes are taken care of for you, all you need to do is build a new route on your bot to handle the inquiry from the monitor bot(see the code later in the post). The monitor bot looks at the status code response and adjusts the status of you monitored bot accordingly and sends a Spark message when it changes. If you already have an existing website for your bot that is hosted with the same bot application you could use that as well, but I choose to create a new route so in the future I can deliver more JSON data with my response for future features.

Coding the Monitor Bot
The changes I made to the original node-monitor module are pretty minor. I added a new attribute to the constructor to describe the current bot state. I defaulted all bots to down state. Below is a exert of node-monitor file showing the constructor change.

function Monitor (opts) {
// default http request method
this.method = 'GET';
// holds website to be monitored = '';
//Track status
this.webStatus = 'down';
// ping intervals in minutes
this.interval = 15;
// interval handler
this.handle = null;
// initialize the app
Once this was done I took the rest of the node-ping sample code and added the ability to send Spark messages using a bot account instead of using email(boo, no one likes more email) and also adjusted the events to relay up and down status so when a bot comes back up the monitor bot lets me know and stops sending me Spark messages.

"use strict";
var config = require('./config.json');
var message = require('./myUtils/sparkMessage');
var botToken = "<Your bot token>";
Handles events emitted when a websites stop being monitored
@param - (String) website - website url
function onStop (website) {
var to =;
var text = website + ' monitor has stopped';
this.webStatus = 'down';
function onUp (res) {
var to =;
var text = + ' monitor is up';
text += '<p>Time: ' + res.time;
text += '</p><p>Website: ' +;
text += '</p><p>Message: ' + res.statusMessage + '</p>';
this.webStatus = 'up';
return console.log(this.webStatus);
Handles events emitted when a website is down
@param - (Object) res - response object return by the Node Monitor object
function onDown (res) {
var text = '';
var to =;
text += '<p>Time: ' + res.time;
text += '</p><p>Website: ' +;
text += '</p><p>Message: ' + res.statusMessage + '</p>';
this.webStatus = 'down';
this.webStatus = 'down';
Handles events emitted when aa error occurs
@param - (String) msg - response message
function onError (msg) {
module.exports.onStop = onStop;
module.exports.onDown = onDown;
module.exports.onError = onError;
module.exports.onUp = onUp;
Sending a Spark message instead of an email used the file below. Make sure to place in your own bot token and adjust the events.js file for where you place this file.

var request = require('request');
var logger = require('log4js');
appenders: [
{type: 'file', filename: 'logs/application.log', catergory:'application'}
replaceConsole: true
exports.newMessage = function sparkMessage(sparkToken, text, to) {
url: '',
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + sparkToken
JSON.stringify({'toPersonEmail': to,
'markdown': text})
}, function (error, response, body) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log(response.statusCode, body);
The final change for the bot monitor application was adjusting the server.js file to add the new event for when a monitored bot comes back online.

"use strict"
var Monitor = require('ping-monitor');
var websites = require('./websites');
var http = require('http');
var port = process.env.PORT || 3008;
var events = require('./events');
var logger = require('log4js');
appenders: [
{type: 'file', filename: 'logs/application.log', catergory:'application'}
replaceConsole: true
var urls = [];
var monitors = [];
Loop over all websites and create a Monitor instance for each one.
websites.forEach(function (website) {
var monitor = new Monitor ({
website: website.url,
interval: website.interval
monitor.on('error', events.onError);
monitor.on('stop', events.onStop);
monitor.on('down', events.onDown);
monitor.on('up', events.onUp);
Server for responding to http requests
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
console.log('Listening to port %s', port);
The last change you will need to make is on the bot you want to monitor. If your using Express see below. The change involves setting up a new route to respond to the request from the bot monitor.Seeing as you may or may not use an actual website to monitor I created a REST response. In my case I give a quick JSON response but in future versions I am planning on generating some data to respond with, like rooms configured and up time stats that can be logged.

//Monitoring service route
app.get('/monitor', function(req, res){
var json_response = {'name':'JabberAssist'};
This is just the start of my monitor bot which as you can see has some rough edges but it works and just today it alerted me to a down bot which I had to address. One thing I want to do in the future is a daily bot monitor report delivered in Spark to let me know how my other bots are doing. Right now I have no way of knowing if the monitor bot has gone down so a daily report will help there as well, unless I build a bot to monitor the bot that is monitoring all my other bots, but then how would I know if that bot then went down. I know another bot........

If you want to check out the original Monitor module here is a blog post that describes it. Also here is the GitHub site.


XMPP to Spark Bot - Presence Upgrade and Simplification!

Last September I first published my XMPP to Spark bot based on Nodejs that I created to consolidate my collaboration tools. Over the holiday break I made some upgrades and also simplified or I should say reduced the amount of code and modules required. The official Cisco Spark SDK is pretty large and bulky for the purposes of this bot so in the new version I have created a couple of simpler methods to enable its removal. This bot doesn't use webhooks and a bunch of other Spark API's so it was much easier to just create a couple of new methods. This bot is about getting others to use Spark versus a migration or integration tool but with expanded development it could be made to serve both of those purposes as well.

var request = require('request');
var logger = require('log4js');
appenders: [
{type: 'file', filename: 'logs/application.log', catergory:'application'}
replaceConsole: true
exports.newMessage = function sparkMessage(sparkToken, text, to) {
url: '',
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + sparkToken
JSON.stringify({'toPersonEmail': to,
'markdown': text})
}, function (error, response, body) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log(response.statusCode, body);
exports.getSpMeStatus = function sparkID(sparkToken, callback){
url: '',
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + sparkToken
}, function (error, response, body) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log(response.statusCode, body);
body = JSON.parse(body);
var status = body.status;
view raw sparkMethods.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub
Below is the main server file. I haven't done a lot of commenting inside my code but you will notice I have a bot monitoring service for some experimenting. I am just monitoring and posting my cloud containers CPU up-time to a bot account in Spark. Eventually I am thinking about sending these updates to another monitoring service which posts updates and alerts on bot issues. You will also notice that I have added the ability to translate presence from Spark into XMPP. It is simple and readable. Presence only updates if my Spark presence/activity changes.It is defaulted on startup to "inactive".

//DEBUG=* node server.js
var xmpp = require('simple-xmpp'),
http = require('http'),
fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path'),
logger = require('log4js'),
sparkMessage = require('./myutils/sparkMethods'),
os = require('os');
//Console logging to file
appenders: [
{type: 'file', filename: 'logs/application.log', catergory:'application'}
replaceConsole: true
//Spark and bot tokens
var sparkToken = "<your Spark Token";
var to = '<Your email>';
var botToken = '<optional Bot token';
//Jabber Text messages
var jabberText = "Thank you for your message but I have moved to Cisco Spark "+
"as my primary contact application.\n"+
"I have automatically moved our conversation to Cisco Spark. "+
"If you have never used Spark before you should see an email invitation shortly. "+
"Also make sure to check out & ."+
"To download Spark "+
"Oh and BTW don't forget my blog\n"+
"See you in Spark...\n";
var jabberActiveText = "Thank you for your message but I have moved to Cisco Spark "+
"as my primary contact application.\n"+
"I have automatically moved our conversation to Cisco Spark and I am currently active which is the same as saying I am online. "+
"If you have never used Spark before you should see an email invitation shortly. "+
"Also make sure to check out & ."+
"To download Spark "+
"Oh and BTW don't forget my blog\n"+
"See you in Spark...\n";
var jabberDNDText = "********Do Not Disturb Alert***********\n"+
"Thank you for your message but I have moved to Cisco Spark "+
"as my primary contact application.\n"+
"I have automatically moved our conversation to Cisco Spark and I am in do not disturb right now so expect a delay. "+
"If you have never used Spark before you should see an email invitation shortly. "+
"Also make sure to check out & ."+
"To download Spark "+
"Oh and BTW don't forget my blog\n"+
"See you in Spark...\n";
var jabberOooText = "********Out of Office Alert***********\n"+
"Thank you for your message but I have moved to Cisco Spark "+
"as my primary contact application.\n"+
"I am currently out of the office so my responses may be delayed.\n"+
"I have automatically moved our conversation to Cisco Spark. "+
"If you have never used Spark before you should see an email invitation shortly. "+
"Also make sure to check out & ."+
"To download Spark "+
"Oh and BTW don't forget my blog\n"+
"See you in Spark...\n"+
"********Out of Office Alert***********";
//Default Spark Status
var currentStatus = 'inactive';
console.log(Date()+">>>>>>>NodeJS XMPP Jabber assistant bot...");
xmpp.on('online', function(data) {
console.log(Date()+'Connected with JID: ' + data.jid.user);
//Spark to Jabber Presence mapping
function presenceUpdate(){
sparkMessage.getSpMeStatus(sparkToken, function(status){
if(currentStatus=== status){
return console.log('No Change to status: ' +currentStatus);
if(status === 'ooo'){
xmpp.setPresence('away', 'Out of Office, get me on Spark');
}else if(status === 'active'){
xmpp.setPresence('online', 'I am active on Spark');
}else if(status === 'inactive'){
xmpp.setPresence('away', 'Always available on Spark');
}else if(status === 'dnd'){
xmpp.setPresence('dnd', 'Ping me on Spark when active again');
xmpp.setPresence('away', 'Always available on Spark');
//service to monitor bot uptime
function postCPUCheck(){
var cpuText = 'This is an uptime check for Jabber Assistant: '+os.uptime();
//Return messages when some sends you a XMPP message
xmpp.on('chat', function(from, message) {
sparkMessage.getSpMeStatus(sparkToken, function(status){
if(status === 'ooo'){
var sparkText = "**Out of Office Alert**<br>"+
"Thank you for switching to **Cisco Spark** and taking part in the use of the Spark APIs. " +
"If this is your first time using Cisco Spark make sure to let me know and I will run you though the best features.<br>"+
"Just to make things easy here is your original message from Jabber: <br>"+
"**"+from+ "**: "+message+"<br>"+
"**Out of Office Alert**";
console.log('%s says %s', from, message);
xmpp.send(from,jabberOooText );
}else if(status === 'active'){
var sparkText = "Thank you for switching to **Cisco Spark** and taking part in the use of the Spark APIs. " +
"If this is your first time using Cisco Spark make sure to let me know and I will run you though the best features.</br>"+
"Just to make things easy here is your original message from Jabber: </br>"+
"**"+from+ "**: "+message;
console.log('%s says %s', from, message);
}else if(status === 'dnd'){
var sparkText = "**Do Not Disturb Alert**<br>"+
"Thank you for switching to **Cisco Spark** and taking part in the use of the Spark APIs. " +
"I am currentlu in **do not disturb** mode so it might take me a little while ot get back to you."+
"If this is your first time using Cisco Spark make sure to let me know and I will run you though the best features.</br>"+
"Just to make things easy here is your original message from Jabber: </br>"+
"**"+from+ "**: "+message;
console.log('%s says %s', from, message);
xmpp.send(from,jabberDNDText );
var sparkText = "Thank you for switching to **Cisco Spark** and taking part in the use of the Spark APIs. " +
"If this is your first time using Cisco Spark make sure to let me know and I will run you though the best features.</br>"+
"Just to make things easy here is your original message from Jabber: </br>"+
"**"+from+ "**: "+message;
console.log('%s says %s', from, message);
xmpp.send(from,jabberText );
xmpp.on('error', function(err) {
//Handles lost connectiosn with XMPP service
xmpp.on('close', function() {
console.log('connection has been closed!');
sparkMessage.newMessage(botToken,'XMPP Connection Closed',to);
console.log('connection reopened');
sparkMessage.newMessage(botToken,'XMPP Connection Reopened',to);
function connect(){
jid : '<your JID/email>',
password : '<your Passwrd>',
host : '',
port : 5222,
prefered: 'PLAIN',
reconnect: false
view raw xmppSparkBot.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub
This is a simple and fun personal bot to experiment with. Presence is new inside the Spark API and if your building a personal Spark bot the easiest way to get access is through the "get my own details". The "status" label gives your current presence.

Have fun coding!