
SMUCUG Meeting Wrap Up

Last night we had a great Seattle Microsoft UC User Group meeting with about 22 people turning out. Jim from Exchange Product Marketing and Steve from Chinook Communications both made great presentations. We ended the meeting with a tour of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It is truly a cutting edge facility both from a technology and environmental perspective. I am especially grateful to the Gates IT team for hosting and for providing a great tour of the facility after the meeting.

Gate Foundation Green Roof

Above is one of the interesting environmental features of the Foundation. That’s right, the roof in the background isn't a field but the roof of one of the main buildings. The green roof helps capture rain water, assists with building cooling and reduces storm water runoff.

Space Needle Gates Foundation from inside

Above: views of the Seattle Space Needle are available throughout the campus. This photo was taken from within the cafeteria area.

Space Needle Gates Foundation

Above: The campus takes great advantage of natural light with glass walls supported by a interesting cabling system. Pictured above is my attempt at capturing that with the reflection of the Space Needle. Not sure if this was intended or not but it’s a very cool effect to be walking into the building with a giant reflection of the Space Needle to look at. In person it looks like a framed piece of art.

Again thanks to the Gates Foundation team for a great meeting. Hopefully my WP7 snap shots did this great facility justice.


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