
VoIPNorm UC Pro Interview

I was recently interviewed by Justin Morris as part of his Interview with a UC Pro series. Even though Justin's blog is fairly new his blog has taken off with some great content. To see the interview visit Justin's blog here. You can also follow Justin on Twitter at @jm_deluxe.

Thanks to Justin for conducting the interview. I feel very grateful for the opportunity to take part in his blog series and his kind words.


Seattle Microsoft UC User Group Meeting: August 25th

Join us for an engaging conversation with your peers in the UC space to chat about Exchange SP2 and private hosting. We will have a few experts on hand to lead the conversation and all hope to learn from each other. Of course there will be food/drinks and an opportunity to check out the new Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation facility.

SMUCUG - Exchange SP2 & Hosting

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
500 5th Ave N
Seattle, WA 98109

August 25th, 2011, 4pm

Register here.


Cumulative Update 3 for Lync and Lync Server 2010

Although this update hasn’t hit the Update Resource Center for Lync it  is available for download from Microsoft download.

See the links below for updates:

Lync 2010 64 bit

Lync 2010 32 bit

Lync Server 2010

Lync Group Chat

One of the standout issues that has been resolved and something that has been mentioned here on VoIPNorm is the MWI issue with the CX300. The Lync 2010 CU3 fixes this issue.


Spartan goes to College

This is part of the buy a PC get a Xbox 360 free campaign for students. Classic video.


Test Driving Lync with Volkswagen Group of America

Test driving Lync is a new website created to track Volkswagen Group of America as they drive through (sorry no pun intended) their Lync deployment. I think this is a really fun and creative way to track the progress and reaction of employees as they deploy the technology. There are some very cool personal stories from employees trying it out  which is great to see.

Check it out, its worth a look.


Just When you Though Lync + Kinect was a Dream

This is pretty cool. Although this is just the beginning it shows what the Lync API’s and the new Kinect API’s can do when put together.

Imaginet Research | Kinect Powered Lync Conversations from Imaginet on Vimeo.

Imaginet Research | Speech Recognition and Lync from Imaginet on Vimeo.


Custom Built Lync TelePresence from Polycom: CX7000

All the way from WPC in LA today, Polycom has officially announced the new CX7000. See the press release below:

The CX7000 is set to release in Q4 2011. Demo video can be seen here.


Microsoft and Cisco: Joint Interoperability Support Statement Update

Hot off the press. This is the updated support statement from both companies.

Obviously some of the version numbers have changed with plans to certify some of Cisco’s newer releases of CUCM with Lync. Also note worthy is the video section and Cisco’s up coming support of their TelePresence Advanced Media Gateway.

Interesting reading and I am sure will answer a lot of questions for people working with both companies.
