
We Provide Support for E911

Recently I received a comment about OCS E911 support from a vendor. He said that the company he represented now supported OCS and E911. So I thought I would go look at the website of not just his company but all the companies providing E911 solutions for VoIP. I found it interesting that most companies don’t list the PBX’s they support. Some did, like E911Enable. However, most wanted you to call them to talk about your solution requirements. For me this is a bad marketing strategy. I know that every enterprise solution is different and whether it’s because there is some cost in displaying the logo of a vendor you support is the question here I am not sure but if I were looking to a new E911 solution provider having what vendors you support on your webpage is what I consider pretty important.

As for OCS support. I found only one vendor mention Microsoft solution support although I know others are out there. So all in all I was somewhat disappointed by the strategy and don’t really understand it. Having to call to find out what vendors you support in my eye loses some of your credibility before I make that call. So if you’re a E911 vendor and read this post don’t be scared to show the vendors you support on your home page, whether you just list them or show a logo it’s nice to know before the call is made.

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